Thursday, March 26, 2009

A few of the things I hope to discuss here...

Since I am turning this into a personal blog I will need to shift gears a little bit. The nice things is that I won't need to be quite as profound as I kept trying to be with all of my previous ideas that never made it to the blog :)

First of all, I have a lot of people ask me a lot about gadgets and things I use. So I figure that will be a great place to start. I will not be reviewing the products in the typical sense but more talking about the gadgets I have used and how and why I use them the way I do. I guess you could say it will be a practical look at the various gadgets that I use.

I do have a lot of gadgets but I will still run out of topics to discuss if that's all I stick to. I also like to read a lot so I will probably cover books and some of my thoughts on them as well. Once we move to Germany I will hopefully have some interesting thoughts on life there and the differences from where I grew up.

Finally, I will reserve the right to be completely random and discuss just about anything else that comes to mind. However, if you have anything you would like me to post, just drop me a note.

Mostly it will be a place for me to sketch the things going on in my life so I can come back and remember them all later. I guess that is how blogging really began.

Sorry it's been so long.

I think I am going to start a second blog for our missions stuff. I've been so lousy at keeping this one rolling that I figure I might as well be lousy at keeping 2 blogs up :)

So this one will be more personal and just contain my random thoughts while the other one will be more about what we are doing as a family with our missions work in Europe. It will be:

European Adventure (